Applied Theater Studies
Applied Theater Studies is a platform that has as main objective the encounter, interaction, discussion, advice and theoretical-historical analysis of a research group, artistic and theoretical, about the implementation of the various theatrical phenomena that emerge from the arts in particular and / or culture in general.
Art and its management, cultural events, theory and history of the performing arts (dance, theater, music), his analysis and criticism, dramaturgy, performance, visual culture and scenic areas of research are that we want to address and encouraged as part of a fruitful exchange. To them we offer a network of contacts aimed at linking the various investigations (group and individual) with the collective processes that emerge from the realm of theory and praxis.
It also is a platform for meetings and dissemination of research processes and theoreticians, critics, playwrights around the practical stage, theatricality and his notion of collective experience exchanges. Simultaneously, a network for artists to present and disseminate research incorporating theoretical creative processes to encourage dialogue between theory and practice.
It is a meeting place to learn from others, working together through a thematic research group and active participation in various processes of both artistic and social development worldwide.
Our main objective is to provide the theoretical tools for research in theater studies seeking to incorporate the full diversity that brings together around the concept of "theater." Simultaneously we intend to create networks of information, interaction and contacts around the theater studies research in the Latin American context and in contact with other networks and institutions in the world to develop similar activities.
About us
A group of artists, researchers and students from various areas of knowledge (mainly for the Humanities, Arts and Cs. Sociales) and different latitudes in the world dedicated to the study and research in theater studies, visual culture and the various arts practices whose expressions emerge from both art culture.